Sunday, April 24, 2011

You know you’re missing Haiti when... look in your cupboards and think of how many people you can feed with the food on the shelves. see excess in your city everywhere you look. stop complaining about the 30 min. wait in your doctor’s waiting room. can’t remember the last time your stomach growled from hunger. see colors and clothing that remind you of special Haitian friends. look in your closet and think “What can I give away next time I go back?” seek out the ruts and bumps in the road and take them at full speed. want to drive without a seat-belt on. want to weave in and out of traffic. monitor airfares for cheap flights. didn't completely unpack your suitcase from the last trip, leaving just enough in there so it's packed and ready for the next trip. tell God, in nearly every prayer you pray, "I'm ready to go back... just say when..." reconsider frivolous purchases, knowing how you can spend that money on Haiti.'re on a first-name basis with the FedEx guy who picks up your shipments to Haiti.

The Abundant Provider

     I wrote letters to various seed companies, soliciting vegetable seed donations for Haiti.  Another day, another letter, another 44¢ stamp.  Call me crazy, but I prayed over every letter as I slipped it into the mailbox.
     Fast forward one month.  I receive a call from someone at a seed company here in town.  “I was going through my letters looking for worthy causes to donate to, and your cause sounds very worthy to me.  We are going out of business.  Would you like to come by and see if there is any seed you can use?”  Heck, yes!!  I completely forgot I had written to this company.
     Long story short, I went.  I looked.  I wished I had borrowed a van!  My car was packed full of seeds; so much so that my car looked like a tail-dragger going down the highway.  The front seat, back seat and trunk were loaded with bags, sacks, and containers of seeds.  360 pounds worth.  Yep, 360 pounds.  That’s a lot of seed.
     A 44 cent stamp yielded nearly $7300 worth of donated seed.  You’ve heard of “R.O.I.” – Return on Investment?  This is “R.O.P.” – Return on Prayer.
     When God provides, He provides abundantly!!