Anyone going to Haiti should take a journal and write in it. I took my journal with me. I almost didn't write in it. I was too caught up being in Haiti and taking it all in. No time to write. I might miss something if I took my eyes off of the visual cacophony playing out all around me. Several days into the trip, I decided I'd better crack open the journal and try to capture some of the memories before I forgot them. So here goes... random thoughts, first impressions, and a few complete paragraphs. Happy reading!
The guy on the flight from FLL to PAP. I call him "funky hair dude." He sported some seriously long, thick, tight braids that stuck straight out behind his head (no joke) when bunched up in a pony tail. He put some shades on, pulled his hoodie over his head and looked exactly like ET.
FLL was warm and humid. My sweet hostess said it was a "cool night" - I thought it was plenty warm, but in a luxurious way. Lightning storm up to the north. Ah, nature's light show! My first trip to FL. Exciting!! Even if it is only a layover...
Beautiful flight over the Gulf Coast, Everglades, and Bahamas. Gorgeous clouds!
"Party in the back" of the plane flying into PAP. Nothing more than a l.o.n.g line for the bathroom. A very well dressed older lady walked up to the flight attendant and with such natural grace and dignity said "pee pee." The Haitian term for "I need to use the bathroom; where is it?" Short and to the point. Understood by all. You'll hear it a lot in Haiti.
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